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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Review: Magic Dip Design Art Centre

Miss E was super pleased to receive the Magic Dip Design Art Centre from character. It retails for £29.99 and is available from most good toy stores and online at places like Amazon. The best price I found it for was at John Lewis where it is currently £24.99.

We've made a video with Miss E using the design art centre and talking about how she enjoys it and if she finds it easy, have a watch -

Here are the pros and cons that we found -

Pro's -
  • It was easy enough for a 9 year old to set up and use alone (whilst under my beady eye)
  • The marbled items look fabulous if you use a light hand to dip them
  • You get unique items every time
  • You can dip and marble most anything you fancy - candles, ceramic, silicon, plastics, wood, paper, card, glass and textiles
  • It dries quickly and the spay sets the paint
  • Once you have dipped your item, you can clear the water really easily to mix fresh paints and dip something else
  • Any messes are easily cleared up with simple nail polish remover
  • it is great fun and keeps the kids happy
Points to think about -
  • Don't forget to protect your work area (we use an old oil cloth on the table) and use an apron (we forgot!)
  • Make sure the water is room temp, it makes the world of difference
  • You have to be quick, once the paint is on the water it is starting to set already
  • Dip paper or card based products quickly as too much time in the water and they start to soak it up
  • Only one glove supplied and ours was ruined after one session
  • The paint contains irritants, is toxic to aquatic life and is highly flammable, so it needed to be used carefully and under supervision. We found our dining room was quite smelly after a while and I had to open the window and finish our session.

In all we think the Magic Dip Design Art Centre is great and would make a super Christmas present for a young boy or girl who likes to craft. Due to the ingredients of the paints the child needs to be 8+ years and work under supervision in a well ventilated room.

You can also buy a starter kit with 4 paints, glossy spray, glitter, gems and a few things to dip for just £10, as well as replacement paints, which are £5 for 5 colours and I think that is reasonable.

Disclosure: We received this set free of charge for the purpose of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.