As someone who has seriously suffered with her periods over the last decade, I really wish I had known about Modibodi. It is a brand designed by mum Kristy, offering period, pee and sweatproof underwear - knickers, bras, camis, active leggings and swimwear.
I introduced my teenage girls to their period pants about a year ago and it was interesting to see the response I got. The one with the heavier periods was on board from the start and excited to see if the knickers could stop us from having to change her sheets frequently and the other one just looked at them and declared them old people, ugly granny pants! She's now having a change of heart when she saw how well they are working for her twin and she asked me to get some knickers for her too. So now I have two converts in the house!
Thankfully my periods seem to have gone away, thanks to my second TCRE operation in January this year so I had assumed I had no need for Modibodi pants anymore, but actually, I'm now seeing a pelvic health specialist about those little 'opps' moments and realising that I probably ought to get myself some Modibodi pants to try out too. It will be far more comfortable than having to wear pads all the time.
Sustainable Agenda
Talking of pads, who realised that it takes 500 - 800 years for a pad to biodegrade. I had no idea it was quite as bad as that, so moving to a reuable product like Modibodi pants can really make a big difference as each woman will use around 11,000 single-use sanitary products in her life and if you're a heavy bleeder like I was then it would be far more. Modibodi is serious about sustainability and making a difference.