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Monday 12 September 2011

Review & Giveaway: Humf & The Fluffy Thing DVD

OK, I'm about to make a big revelation here and you must not laugh at me. Ready?

I love Humf, it is such a beautiful and simple program for pre-school kids. Are you laughing yet?  Stop it!  There is nothing wrong with a bit of kids TV or in this case DVD.  I really do not watch much TV with the kids so I am unsure quite why I have seen so much Humf, I think it is to do with the time of evening that it is shown on Nick Junior.  Quite often we get the girls all showered ready for bed and then snuggle up on the sofa together to watch something calm and age appropriate and many times Humf is the chosen program.  My near 8 year old JJ also really enjoys it but I am sure he would not readily admit that to his mates!

The thing I love about Humf is that it is a very innocent program, there is no hidden innuendo. Humf and his friends Loon (don't you just love that name for a pink feathery bird?) and Wallace (green friendly monster type thing if you were wondering) are all good little kids and never do I have to feel as if I should be censoring my children's viewing.  Even the youngest of children could happily watch this program without ever being scared or inappropriately influenced.  We all know that kids learn what they live and my Miss M shouting 'You silly old fool' out the car window to someone was proof that Nanny Plum from Ben and Holly can sure say some inappropriate things!

My girls (just 4 year old twins) were made up when they found out they were the chief reviewers in our house for the new DVD (released today) Humf and the Fluffy Thing.  The DVD contains 10 episodes of about 7 minutes each and they are all equally as entertaining and easy to view. The added bonus is that for the RRP of £9.99 you also get a bonus DVD with another 6 eposides for free.  Bargain, hey? but don't think it stops there as I have spotted that you can buy a new copy on Amazon at the moment for just £6.20. A fantastic little gift for Christmas I say.

Humf is narrated by Caroline Quentin and she does it really well, taking us through the day to day life of 3 year old Humf and his view of the world. Humf normally seems to be described as a purple fluffy thing, he is super cute and cuddly as are all the characters in the show. Normal daily activities such as a trip to the shops or the park become a fun adventure as you discover things through the eyes of a pre-schooler.

I asked the girls how they voted for Humf and they both agreed that it should get top marks 5/5

So would you like to win a copy of Humf and the Furry Thing DVD?
  • Mandatory - Follow my blog on google friends connect (in the sidebar on the right) and leave a comment to say you have done so, let me know how I can contact you - twitter ID or email.
  • Additional entry - tweet 'I want to #win a Humf DVD in @michelletwinmum's #giveaway #competition http://bit.ly/n3l9Zs'
 Terms and Conditions of Entry:
  • The winner will be chosen at random
  • Open to UK and Ireland residents only
  • Giveaway closes at 12 noon on Wednesday 21st September 2011
  • The winner will be contacted within 3 working days of the competition closing
  • The winner needs to contact me within a week of my announcing the winner or I will draw again
  • The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative
  • The DVD will be sent direct from the PR agency 
Disclosure:  I received this DVD free of charge for the purposes of this review.  I was not instructed what to write and I remain honest.


  1. I already follow on gfc. I can be contacted on twits @ButtonF1Fan

  2. you can contact me on twitter @tinkswishes

    have retweeted too

  3. Aww, my children would love this =)
    Following on GFC

  4. tweeted @rachdreaming
    =) xx

  5. Already a follower on GFC :)

    @MrsD_Winchester x

  6. Have also tweeted :)

    @MrsD_Winchester x

  7. I already follow your blog on GFC

  8. I have tweeted

  9. I follow with gfc as mummy24


  10. hi following your blog on gfc: steph marie


  11. tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/stephie_xox/status/113552929679613952


  12. Following! and have tweeted @flaming_hearts

  13. We miss Humph since getting rid of Nick Jr

    Already follow on gfc

  14. Following you via GFC




  16. My granchildren love Humf and so do I!

    I am following on GFC

    I have tweeted the message - tweet me @aesop57

  17. Followingm twitter name #avedajunkie

  18. already a follower of your blog :)


  19. already follow

  20. I follow your blog via GFC


  21. I have tweeted :)



  22. Already a follower
    tweeted @alsmonster

  23. I follow your blog with GFC.


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x