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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Review & Giveaway: The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

Congratulations to @dogbombs & @blueeyes_betty, you are the lucky winners.  Please email or DM me your address details and I will pass them to the PR to send our your books.  Thanks, Mich x
My little JJ is an avid reader, you often find him lying on his bed with a book and I love that.  As a reader myself I am so pleased my love of books has passed onto him.  Especially when you see all the research showing that boys nowadays are not interested in books and they would rather play with their computer games.  Well yes, JJ might if I let him but we work on the principle of balance in this house and thus he is time controlled on his games and needs to choose other options as well and for him that tends to be Lego and reading.

He loves non-fiction books and sucks up knowledge at an amazing rate, he has also just got into comics like The Beano and The Dandy and his love of Enid Blyton and Jacqueline Wilson has moved onto J. K. Rowling and J. R. R Tolkien.  Yes he is just reading The Hobbit and he tells me he loves it. When he learnt that the book is being made into a film and it will be screened at the end of this year he did an audible whoop!

At age 8 JJ found the Hobbit a little difficult to read to himself at first, he was complaining of too many difficult words that he did not understand.  So we moved to reading the story aloud together and discussing anything that he did not understand.  This was actually a lovely experience and gave us some blessed alone time most evenings. What I found was that the story was a little slow at first but then it really paced up and was completely captivating. Tolkien is the most amazing story teller and he really paints a picture in your head with his descriptions of trolls, dwarfs, the forest, well everything really.

The Hobbit is the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which are so well known nowadays. This story of the gentle hobbit Bilbo Baggins in the mythical land of middle-earth is beautiful and enchanting.  You really do get swept up with the story and taken on a journey, which culminates with a breath taking ending.

It goes without saying that this book is well written, it would not have remained in print for the last 75 years if it was not.

Take a look at the trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey which releases on 14th December 2012.

You can also check out some great Hobbit facts on the official blog.

The Hobbit books is a bit of a bargain, you can get it on Amazon at the moment for just £4.86.

JJ and I would highly recommend this book and we give it a 9/10.

So how do you fancy reading the Hobbit to your kids before they can view the movie?  I have 2 copies up for grabs by a couple of lucky readers -

To enter -

* Leave me a comment and tell me your favourite book to read and a way to contact you (mandatory)
* Tweet 'I'm in to #win 1 of 2 The Hobbit books from @MichelleTwinMum http://bit.ly/OB24G3'  and tell me you have done so. (for an extra entry, optional)

Terms and Conditions

  • The winners will be chosen at random
  • Open to UK and Ireland residents only
  • Giveaway closes at 12 noon on Tuesday 24th July 2012
  • The winners will be contacted within 5 working days of the competition closing
  • The winners needs to contact me within a week of my announcing the winner or I will draw again
  • The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative
  • The books will be sent direct from the PR agency

  • Disclosure:  I was sent this book free of charge for the purposes of this review.  I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.


    1. Tink Rhonda Lee Mse12 July 2012 at 23:11

      My favourite books are point horror books.

    2. Tink Rhonda Lee Mse12 July 2012 at 23:12

      I've tweeted, forgot to put on my first comment, I'm @snowted on Twitter and Tink Rhonda Lee Mse on Facebook.

    3. My favourite type of books to read are dystopian/YA like The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Delirium by Lauren Oliver.
      I tweeted, my twitter is @MadeInLDN_

    4. I love horror books and books set in other parts of the world, that not only have a great story line, but educate too! I am reading 'The Island' by Victoria Hislop for the second time at the mo as I loved it so much the first time!

    5. I have tweeted as @tracyknixon

    6. My fav book to read is actually The Lord of the Rings, I like to listen to Enya which transports me to middle earth, I have dyslexic twins and would love to encourage them past their barrier of reading with this book :) reach me @blueeyes_betty

    7. lindsaychadburn23@hotmail.co.uk13 July 2012 at 15:14

      my favourite books are anything stephen king, grew up with my dad reading them and have just carried on!!!

    8. My favourite books are by JRR Tolkien

    9. I first read the Hobbit when I was about 10. Loved it from the start. The sheer power of words to transport you to another world is amazing.

      I'm on an urban fantasy drive at the moment - Neverwhere, 61 Nails, the Dresden Files... cannot get enough.

      I'm on Twitter as @dogbombs

    10. My favourite books are factual, ones taken from real life, pictures, notes, letters to companies. I love reading how other people live and how witty their responses can be. :)

      Ive tweeted and twitter name is @xxneliexx

    11. I love reading detective books and my alltime favourites are Agatha Christie Poirot books. I've read and reread them so many times :)


    12. My favourite books are the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin - best reads ever!

    13. i love thrillers especially james Patterson

    14. I love crime novels, but if I fancy a change from all the death and destruction, I'll go back to books I read when I was younger, or read autobiographies.
      Tweeted as @annaojbee

    15. I love the harry potter series or anything by John green



    Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x