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Saturday, 12 January 2013

Review: Next sole survivor shoes

One of my favourite tines of the year is immediately after Christmas, I love the thrill of the January sales.  Roll back five or ten years ago and it was literally the pinnacle of my year - get Christmas over and go shopping with my Mum. I am glad to say that my addiction has subsided with age and now my sale shopping is just part of a suite of enjoyable activities over the festive period.

I think any avid shopper will know that Next has probably the best sale of all the high street stores. I love going along and bagging a bargain and when my children were younger I just shoped twice a year for their clothes and that was always in the Next sale. At half price their goods are phenomenal value and wash so well, then better still they resell on ebay and hold a good value.  You have to make the most of your money once you have kids after all.

I am not one of those who turn up at 4am on Boxing Day to queue for 6am entry and then fill a huige bag in a frenzy to grab the best half price deal but I will admit to you that I was there at 2pm on Boxing Day for a sneaky hour out with my Mum after we had cleared up from dinner.  The kids were happy playing with Daddy and Grandad so why not?  There was not too much I needed to buy this year, the kids are all kitted out and dh is never fussed about new things. So my shopping was just for me and boy did I pick up some lovely bargains.

I suffer with footache if I stand or walk for too long, so generally I have to wear flat and very comfortable shoes but seeing as I am not even 40 yet (yes, yes I know it is this year) I want to look stylish and not old before my time. The main shops I end up in for shoes are Clarks and M&S but this time Next did me really proud.  I have not come across their Sole Surivor brand before but after just a couple of weeks wear I am a convert.

My bargain hunter Mum was looking at the shoes (in the hope of picking some up for herself) when she showed me a pair of maroon leather pumps and commented they were nice, and yes they were realy nice, cute little patent shoes and mock snake skin. Not boring, nor average but with a low rubber heel and supersoft, deep cushioning inside. Beautful, the right size and reduced from £36 to 14, how could I say no to that?

Imagine my thrill when I spotted a pair of black patent pumps with a big bow, again in the right size and from the same range and yes with that bargain £14 price tag. I have proudly been wearing my two new pairs of Next pumps every day for the last couple of weeks and had so many comments about how nice they are. I'm also pleased to report that they are as comfortable as I hoped they would be.

I'll definately be back to Next for when I need to purchase some shoes again, these ones look set to last me for a long time yet though.

How about you?  Did you pick up any great sale bargains?

Disclosure:  I received a £40 voucher for Next for the purposes of this review.

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