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Friday, 22 March 2013

Review: Gallo Summer Red Chilled Wine

It's a long time since I have drunk a glass of red wine, in fact I can't even remember when it would have been - 10 years or more I expect. Whilst I used to enjoy red wine I always found that it did not like me much the next morning and the hangover was just evil! I'm too old now to indulge in something that has such a short positive effect, but luckily I had no such issues with the Gallo Summer Red.

I was sent a bottle to test out and quite unusually you chill this red wine as it has been made to be enjoyed on a summers day. No summer here at the moment, actually it is snowing outside as I type but I still thoroughly enjoyed this. That is probably because Rose is my favourite type of wine and I like it fruity and not too dry and this Gallo Summer Red fitted that bill. It is funny how I had preconceived ideas of how this wine would taste and then when I tasted it I found I was completely surprised, it is fruity and very easy to drink but it still has legs (you know the way the wine holds to the side of the glass) and a full flavour. I'm told this wine has the flavours of cherry, pomegranite and raspberry but I have to be honest and say my palate is not developed enough to distinsh those, for me I just know it was fruity!

Another plus point is that the wine has an alcoholic volume of just 10.5%, considerably lower than the average 12.5% of most red wines, some are even as high as 16% and that will explain those hang overs, those and the high tannin level normally present in red wine but there was none of that puckery feeling that you get in your mouth with some red wines, no the Gallo Summer Red is very fresh and refreshing.

I was a little dubious to review this wine at first as I drink alcohol so rarely nowadays but I have to say I really enjoyed it. Focusing on the wine and thinking about its qualities took me back to being 18 years old and completing my City and Guilds Wine Appreciation certificate at college. Oh yes, I used to know my stuff!

The RRP for this wine is £6.79 and for someone like me that enjoys the occasional bottle of wine I would rather pay this and really enjoy it than just spend a couple of quid and be disappointed. I checked out My Supermarket and saw that it is on special at Sainsbury's currently for £5.24 per bottle and this promotion runs until 30 April 2013.

In my opinion there is no need to wait for summer to enjoy this wine, I recommend you go and buy yourself a bottle now. You could pretty much have it to accompany any meal, I actually think it would be really nice with a Cesar salad but it works equally well with something like poached salmon or chicken. I would probably avoid it with a really delicate fish dinner but you know how it is nowadays there are no rues about wine drinking, just enjoy it!

If you want to find out more about the Gallo family of wines, head over to www.gallofamily.co.uk.

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