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Friday, 30 August 2013

Review: Art Attack from Disney

You know what it is like during the long summer holidays, you need to lots of fill up those endless days, so when I was asked if I wanted to review some Art Attack goodies I of course jumped at the chance. I had assumed these would be the craft kits that I have seen in the shops before with craft bits to make up a specific item but I was mistaken, it seems that Disney are now doing some Art Attack goodies of their own.

We were sent a nice selection of items which all said they were suitable from age 3 upwards. The girls got to work with the starter kit quickly and painting was the first thing they wanted to do. As well as the three colours that came with the kit we added some colours from our paints and they had fun. Above is Miss M’s creation, which I am really quite proud of as she is my energetic one and never sits down to paint, colour or such, she would normally much rather be jumping around on the trampoline.

For painting you get three different heads that screw onto a plastic handle to paint with and I loved the look of these, such fun to mess about with a mini-mop head I thought but in truth it just took loads of paint and did not create that much on the page. I think these might be much better for younger kids with less dexterity that my 6 year olds. 

The starter kit retails for £15 normally and contains all you see here –

I see all the Disney Art Attack products are on special at HobbyCraft at the moment though and the starter kit is just £5.00, that's a great price!

We also received some pens and pencils and these are good quality but again I think are aimed at the younger kids. The pencils are really chunky, bigger than an average pencil and thus you need a bigger sharpener for them.

The one thing that the girls really adored was the paper embosser. I can honestly say this has been used every day we have been at home since it was opener. You cut a strip of paper to size, feed it in and it gets embossed with stars and they think this is fabulous, we have had embossed pictures, postcards, bookmarks, leaflets – you name it!

Disclosure: We were sent these craft supplies free of charge for the purpose of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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