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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Children who brush their teeth once a day ....

...are a third more likely to develop tooth decay.  My heart sank as I read that, I had no idea the statistics are so shocking. I hate to admit it but one of my guilty secrets is that I often forget to get the kids to brush their teeth in the morning. We are really good in the evening, it happens every day no fail but the mornings are a different kettle of fish.  Other parents manage it so why can't I?  I think maybe I just need to go back to basics and write myself a note to put up in the kitchen and then make myself a time slot by doing the packed lunches the night before. I can't take the risk that my kids will all end up with decayed teeth. I remember the shame I felt when JJ had to have a filling as I had not been monitoring his tooth brushing well enough.

My little Miss E has just lost her first tooth (and she is so excited) but of course with big teeth coming this makes it all the more important that all three of my children brush well and try to eat more of the right foods. Take a peek at this info-graphic, it is enlightening....

1 comment:

  1. Teach them to clean each tooth with a gentle circular motion, starting at one end of each row and cleaning all the way to the other end. Make sure that they brush the front, back and tops of the teeth.

    Regards Amandeep


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x