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Saturday, 31 May 2014

The Adventures of Roborex (review)

Our family loves a good movie that we can all sit down and enjoy together. Something not too heavy but with a nice storyline that we can all giggle at and relate to, but given the ages of our kids it needs to be  U or PG rating. We were sent the Adventures of Roborex and I'm pleased to say it fitted the bill (PG rated) and we had a nice Friday evening snuggled up on the sofa.

The film starts with us meeting James, an 11 year old boy who lives with his dad and pet Labrador Rex, we soon learn that James is a bit of a geek and likes to invent things, not all of which are that great or efficient. He is a really likeable character but seems to be being bullied at school and it is an unlikely friend that comes to his rescue.

It is not long before James discovers a robot cat and dog from the future and we soon learn he has been set a mission from the future - to save the world from the plans of the evil scientist Dr Apocalypse. On the dark side we have the robotic Destructo-cat and on James side is his faithful robot dog Roborex. Have a look at the trailer and see if you might fancy the film , it is a very easy watch and at just 81 minutes long it is god for smaller children too.

Once it was finished I asked all my children (10 year old boy and 6 year old twin girls)  what they thought and they all gave the thumbs up and said it was good and they would watch it again.

The release date in the UK for this film is 16th June 2014 and you can pre-order the DVD for just £7.00 on Amazon.

Run Time:  81 minutes
Certificate: PG

Disclosure: I was sent this DVD for the purpose of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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