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Tuesday 22 March 2016

Fun Preparations for Easter

My family really enjoys Easter. It is the biggest event in the Christian calendar and as such we throw ourselves into it. Yes, there are some of the more modern, or some might say commercial activities such as giving and receiving chocolate eggs and Easter egg hunts but there is also a lot of activity around the real meaning of Easter and why we celebrate it.

One of the activities that we tend to do each year is create an Easter garden from natural materials. The girls love collecting moss, stones, twigs and such to create the scene of the three crosses where Jesus died and the tomb which he rose again from.

We also enjoy making hot cross buns and this year we have bought some Easter biscuit cutters, so I think gingerbread might be on the agenda too. I seriously cannot wait for school to break up so we can have the time to do some of these activities, its going to be a bit of a squeeze though as Good Friday is the first day of their holiday, so that will be a day for the kids and I to get busy. I pray for some nice weather.

The girls have also enjoyed some Easter crafts, they have made Easter bonnets, decorated eggs and painted decorations and we will go and search out a branch that we can make an Easter celebration tree with.

Many thanks for the chocolate eggs and craft kits that have been provided courtesy of Ollie and Leila who make divine personalised beds for children.


  1. We have done lots of Easter crafts already this year, from making Easter gardens and Easter bonnets to cards for the family. Like you, Easter is a big part of our calendar and I love how all the family get together to celebrate.

  2. I have barely started with Easter yet as it is so early! Erin has done things at school and once she has finished school we can do more.

    1. I know, I'm feeling a bit pressed as we were away this weekend and it means we are packing everything into the Easter weekend itself! lol


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x