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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Honest Mummy Recommends Lidl Chicken Nuggets

I am sure you are reading that title thinking really?  Is this a joke?  Has Mich gone nuts on us?  but no, this is for real. When I started this blog I said I would be recommending things that our family likes and I have to say these are the best value and qaulity nuggets I have found.

I am not a massive fan of Lidl in general or any of the cheaper supermarkets to be honest.  I am a bit of a snob and like a nice shopping experience but Lidl is the closest shop to my house so for milk, veg and everyday things sometimes it is a necessity to pop in there.  What I have found is that being a German store Lidl have very high standards and that their products are generally really good.

The nuggets that I buy are £1.99 for 500g and the meat quality is very high.  We are talking tender white chunks of quality breast meat.  Really good size pieces, no popcorn chicken from these packets!

So these are my fall back 'kiddie tea' of choice.  When we have little friends over and I want a nice easy tea for 6 or so kids, this is what I can cook with minimal fuss and maximum clear plates!

This is a recommendation post, I did not receive anything for free and was not paid to write this post.


  1. Definitely agree with Lidl's high standards in food quality. I watched an interesting documentary a while ago about how they afford to sell good quality products at such low prices. The answer was in their marketing strategy. I love Lidl products, haven't tried the chicken nuggets though but will look out for them next time :)

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only food snob. I find Lidl good for cheeses and have to say that we have also tried these chicken nuggets and they seemed to be very nice and the kids liked them.

    I hope you don't mind but I've nominated you for the Leibster Blog award here http://moaningmummy.blogspot.com/2011/03/awww-ive-been-given-my-very-first-award.html


  3. Well never in a million years did I expect to get coments on this post! lmao

    Thanks ladies.

    Kate - interesting aotu the marketing stragety

    Lisa - will have to try out their cheeses then and thanks for the nomination, will go have a look now.

    Mich x

  4. These are amazing, very tasty and better than any other brand I have tried. Kids love them. Better than MacDonalds anyday of the week.


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x