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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Girls Review Angelina Ballerina Pop Star Girls DVD

There was much squealing in our house on last wednesday morning.  The girls came down the stairs in the morning and found that mummy had left them the new Angelina Ballerina Pop Star Girls DVD on the fireplace. 'Ohh look Mummy, it is Angelina' said Miss E as she did a twirl across the room. 'Is it for us?' shouts Miss M leaping towards the DVD player.  After much assurance that yes it is for them and they can watch it before breakfast, they settle down for some TV viewing.  Well I say settle down, that is an exaggeration, what they actually did was dance and play imaginary instruments for about an hour.  The twins own rock band was pretty cute to watch!

This is what I have to say about it -I have not really watched any Angelina Ballerina before so I sat down to watch some too and you know what I enjoyed it.  There are 5 episodes on the DVD, it runs for 60 minutes and I liked the fact that there is a new emphasis on singing, performing and playing instruments not just ballet.  What was especially good from a parents point of view is that each of the episodes has a little moralistic lesson in there for the kids. Such as the importance of telling the truth when you do something wrong or the way someone's self esteem is boasted when they are given one more chance.  At age 3.5 years the girls were able to tell me the morals after, so I love that they are watching something they enjoy, that is good quality and it is helping them grow to be well rounded children.

Here is what HIT Entertainment say -
In this special collection of five episodes, we once again head to the prestigious Camembert Academy to catch up with Angelina and her friends Alice, Gracie, AZ and Marco. While all the dancers learn to work together as a team, Angelina realises that there's more to life than just ballet when she falls in love with Hip Hop, rock bands, fiddles and more!

Little ones can move and groove along with Angelina as she directs a Hip Hop musical and discovers she was born to be a star. The whole family will be star-struck with delight as the little mouse joins a rock band, is given a giant prop to look after and steps it up in her best performance yet!

Filled with a host of different dance styles, toe-tapping songs and music, Angelina’s new DVD is set to be a poptastic watch for young girls.

The DVD retails for £12.99 which I think is good value and it is available from all major retailers or can be bought direct from http://www.hitstoreuk.com/.

The girls give this new DVD             5/5  It is a big hit here!


  1. Thanks for this, was thinking of buying it so nice to hear it's worth it!

  2. No problem Steph, hope your little one enjoys.

    Mich x


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x