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Wednesday 9 May 2012

Review and Giveaway: Ben and Holly DVD, The Elf Games

Big congratulations to @joanna_kow, @WeeWillieWilkie and @Him_me_three you are the lucky winners of a Ben and Holly DVD each.  Please email or DM me your postal details and I'll pass these on to the PR.  Cheers Mich x
I have to confess that we all like Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom in this house, JJ might try and pretend that at age 8 he is too old but when it comes on Nick Jnr. you will find he plonks himself down and sits there quietly. Of course my girls are both still mesmerised by it at nearly 5 years, they both consider themselves to be Princesses like Holly after all.
As Miss M is such a live wire we have developed a routine where the girls sit on the sofa either side of me for a half hour cuddle before bed and Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom features most days in our slow-down time.

There are some kids TV programs that I really can not deal with but I have to confess that I do enjoy this and that is probably down to Nanny Plum, her humour is decidedly adult and whilst this sometimes gets me into trouble, like when Miss M called an old male driver a 'silly old fool' as that is what Nanny Plum calls the Wise Old Elf I do enjoy it. I always find the programes to be well written and engaging and I happen to prefer them to Peppa Pig which is by the same writers.

As my girls are such fans I have probably seen every episode made and could even perhaps act them out, so I was a little surprised to find that I had already seen all the episodes on this new DVD, which is due to be released on 14th May.  I mistakenly thought it would be new material rather than the episodes that had been shown on TV.  Don't get me wrong they are all good episodes and fully worth watching but this was just a disappointment to me.  Luckily it did not phase my girls as they are happy to watch the same thing more than once, repetition is good for learning after all.

This DVD contains the following episodes -
The Elf Games
Dinner Party
The Toy Robot
Big Bad Barry
King Thistle's Birthday
The Wand Factory
Daisy and Poppey's Pet
The Elf Rocket
Picnic on the Moon

You can pre-order a copy of this DVD on Amazon for £7.49 with free delivery.

Certificate - Universal

Would you like to win 1 of 3 copies?

To enter-
  • Mandatory - Leave a comment and let me know how to contact you if you are the lucky winner.
  • Optional - Tweet 'I'm in to #win 1 of 3 Ben and Holly DVD's with @MichelleTwinMum http://bit.ly/JV1TCk #giveaway #comp' and leave me a comment to say you have done so.
Terms and Conditions -

  • The winner will be chosen at random
  • Open to UK and Ireland residents only
  • Giveaway closes at 12 noon on Thursday 24th May 2012
  • The winner will be contacted within 5 working days of the competition closing
  • The winner needs to contact me within a week of my announcing the winner or I will draw again
  • The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative
  • The DVD will be sent direct from the PR agency.

Disclaimer:  We received a review copy of this DVD for the purposes of the review. I was not instructed what to write and I remain honest.


  1. Ahhh a lovely review - thank you! I must admit it is lovely when you can enjoy dvds with your children. I love watching Peppa Pig and Horrid Henry with my girls and boys - bring back memories of when i was little! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway - you can contact me on Twitter @tracyknixon I must admit, i have never used a DVD before bedtime and as we are running out of bedtime story books - this might be an idea to try!

  2. I have tweeted too @tracyknixon

  3. We love Ben and Holly especially the slightly sarcastic Nanny Plum. @Bobbity666

  4. great giveaway - both my kids love ben and holly! This would be great


  5. i have tweeted as @handbag2000

  6. both my kids love ben and holly - @handbag2000

  7. My 5 yr old son is the same..he tells everyone he doesn't like b+h but is then engrossed when his 2 yr old sister watches it! It is very clever programme and teaches some good lessons (eg how flour is made) and the disasters that occur most programmes are hilarious! It's better than peppa pig as It lasts mor than 5 minutes and much more fun for kids and parents alike!

  8. All 3 of my children love Ben & Holly and it is one of few tv programmes that I can tolerate!


  9. I have tweeted about the giveaway as well.


  10. I'd love to win, thank you!

  11. I'm an elf... Toot!


  12. @AimeeSwift1 tweeted

  13. My youngest loves Ben and Holly and there's even one story I haven't seen in this collection.


  14. My daughter Lily loves Ben and Holly. Please enter me.

  15. I have tweeted. @pookybearcheung

  16. My step grandchildren love Ben and Holly x

  17. Loving Ben and Holly right now - great blog by the way - Have tweeted for you as @articleguru999 -

  18. I think I like it more than my daughter :)

  19. love Ben & Holly. Contact via Google

  20. me and my daughter Lily love to have cuddles and watch Ben & Holly. You can contact me by email at stedavidmatthews@gmail.com

  21. My neice absolutely loves Ben & Holly, great entertainment for little ones, would love to win this for her - juliedee4663@hotmail.com

  22. have tweeted your message @juliedee4663

  23. my kids love this show.. nickycrowe700@hotmail.com
    would tweet just dont know how!

  24. My daughter is mad for Ben & Holly too! Have tweeted @karen1carpenter

    Thanks for the great competition - contact at karen.carpenter@ymail.com

  25. My LO loves Ben & Holly - please enter me into the giveaway - @WeeWillieWilkie

  26. I've tweeted - @WeeWillieWilkie

  27. I love your blog, lots of fantastic reviews! Have added to my bookmarks so I can keep up with your new posts.

    Please could you enter me in to win the ben and Holly DVD too please? I am contactable on twitter @Savvybunny

  28. Have just tweeted too :) @Savvybunny

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. My Granddaughter would love this!

  31. My niece would love this


  32. tweeted (@paul_jonesy)

  33. My daughter loves ben and holly @lilysmum2008

  34. Tweeted (badinno199). my email address : badinno199@aol.co.uk

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Tweeted (Carelene1536) my email: lau.mason@aol.co.uk

  37. Sounds like another good programme!
    email - aston058@yahoo.co.uk

  38. My daughter and nephews love Ben and Holly, so would be really happy if I won this DVD. Fingers' crossed. Can be contacted via twitter as @GromitFan1

  39. Have just tweeted the above tweet as @GromitFan1

  40. great review :) my kids love, ben and holly always watch it when it is on tv xx

  41. i am following and tweeted on twitter @nikkij301 xx

  42. Fab review & compeittion, fingers crossed! @Jay21cee

  43. Have tweeted as requested. xx

  44. count me in, please

  45. I have tweeted @dazs_princess if im lucky to win send me a tweet or dm please! Thanks

  46. u can contact me via twitter @kayzlou! my daughter would love this x

  47. Great giveaway - @snarepuss

  48. I have tweeted - @snarepuss

  49. Hi fab giveaway my 2YO loves ben and holly thanks

  50. Love Ben & Holly - @pepicola3

  51. Hi, great giveaway; the little ones would surely love this.

  52. My son loves Ben & Holly @bbdiva1977

  53. have tweeted @mysticwen lovely giveaway from my grandchildren mysticwen3@aol.com

  54. Samantha Wesley24 May 2012 at 11:46

    I would love to win one :) You can contact me on twitter - @samanthawesley xx

  55. I would love to win. You can contact me by email amccutcheon@blueyonder.co.uk. I tweeted too.

  56. I also would love to win. I tweeted @Roloboy9154. Contact me also at email: @Roloboy9154. Thanks!

  57. Would love to have those! Tweeted @Poladrop123 and email is poladrop123@aol.co.uk.


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x