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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Barbie Mega Bloks Review

As a family we have never owned any Mega Bloks before, we do enjoy construction toys and we have tons of Lego but I suppose because we had Lego handed down to us we just never bought the other major brand, Mega Bloks.

I was really pleased to find that these Barbie Mega Bloks sets are great, very similar to Lego really. The pieces fit together well and you can tell they are a quality product. My girls have really enjoyed playing make-believe with their little sets and because it is Barbie they are even happier. There are some lovely colour building bricks and very cute accessories.

We made a short video to show you the girls opening, building and playing with the two Barbie Mega Bloks sets we were sent.

The Build 'n' Play Luxe Camper and Ballet Studio -

Take a peek -

The Luxe Camper set retails for £29.99 and the Ballet Studio for £19.99, I have to say they are tiny when made and it feels like quite a lot of money for what you get but the price is comparable to other similar toys like Lego and Polly Pocket, so it is just a case that this kind of thing is expensive. You do get lots of cute little accessories, they girls loves having tiny hair pieces and lipsticks to play with. I personally found it all a little fiddly but then my hands are far bigger than theirs.

I also mention in the video that I found it a bit odd that the pieces are packed in multiple plastic bags but there is no order to how they are packed so you have to open all the bags to find the right pieces as you go along.  I found the instructions very good and clear but my girls enjoyed playing with the sets far more than building them but that is just them. I'm sure other 6 year old's would love the thrill of putting together their own toy and taking joy as they see it come together.

I like as well that on the back page of the instructions there are a couple of pictures of the set built a little differently, so if the girls want a new challenge, they can rebuild and play with it in a different way.

Probably the most annoying thing was that the little Barbie figures keep coming undone, especially the hair, that pops off all the time. I'm just about to glue my girls figures hair on as it defeats the object when it won't stay on otherwise!

In all the girls really like these sets and I'd say if you have a little one that likes Barbie and also likes construction type toys then they will really love these as there is so much for them to play with and use their imagination.

Disclosure: We received these sets free of charge for the purpose of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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