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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Review of Wild Science Weird Slime Workshop

What is it with boys and their love of all things slimy and frankly a bit yuck?  JJ loves it all - gruesome tales, gory jokes and disgusting toys, so when he was sent through the Wild Science Weird Slime set he was over the moon.

Even more exciting was the fact that you have to be over 10 years of age to play with this set and it requires you to wear gloves, a mask and big goggles – real life danger (well in his eyes it was and this meant it was a great fun toy). Thankfully of course whilst you do need to exercise some caution whilst using some of the ingredients in the set it is not actually too dangerous.

Under my watchful eye JJ and I set about trying out some of the science experiments with the Wild Science Weird Slime set. First up we had to make the Alginate stock solution and then the Calcium Chloride bath, these were both simple but you do need time. JJ was dismayed to see he had to wait at least 20 minutes after making the first solution so that it goes all gloopy and is the basis of the slime.

Once the two solutions are made the real fun can start. We made mock fish eggs, slimy worms and pretend leeches with the two coloured food dyes that were included. JJ thought it was amazing to be able to crush the fish eggs between his fingers and watch them give-way under the pressure of his fingers and the slime ooze out. He was having such fun he wanted to go and see his Dad at work and show him the products, I assured him a 40 year old man might not be quite as impressed as a 10 year old boy! lol

It does take a little skill to make a large egg or to be able to get a nice long worm/ snake but I was impressed to see that there is plenty of gloopy slime solution and you keep on using it time and time again as long as you keep it in an airtight container.

It is worth mentioning that once you make the little products – fish eggs/ worms etc if you want to keep them you need to provide your own small airtight container as otherwise they will just shrivel up in the fresh air. JJ was not impressed to come to the kitchen the next morning and find his pride and joy were no longer plump and slimy any more!

The Wild Science Weird Slime set retails for £12.99 and you can purchase it from Interplay Toys. Both JJ and I think it is a nice toy for a child of 10 years or more, it is engaging and also helps them to learn about science and the different reactions you get when you mix chemicals.

Also, it is National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW) from 14th - 23rd March 2014. It is a ten-day national programme of science, technology, engineering and maths events and activities across the UK aimed at people of all ages. Do take a look at the website and see which events are on in your area, it is a great way to get your youngsters engaged with these important areas of study and enjoyment.

Disclosure: We received this set free of charge for the purpose of this review. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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