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Thursday 6 January 2011

The Girls Recommend: ELC Styling Head

Hands up, who owned a Girls World when they were little?  I for one did and I adored it.  I was a really girlie girl and I loved to colour her hair and do her make up.  So I was thrilled when Father Christmas bought Miss M this super styling head from the Early Learning Centre for Christmas.

The head retails at £20 and you get a good sized head with very pretty hair, make-up in a CD case, brush, comb and lots of hair accessories.  Here are the girls happily playing together on Boxing Day -

Whilst they have used most of the lip gloss in their 3 or 4 plays since Xmas there is loads of the powder shadow and blusher still and I intend to just get them some cheap gloss from the market to use in the future.

I think this could provide hours of fun and at £20 I was very pleased.  This would make a fab gift for a little lady with a birthday in the coming months.  Keep an eye out for when ELC do those special times when they have 10 or 20% off everything.

This is a recommendation post and as such we have received nothing for free and have not been asked to write this post.  I am just recommending a product to you dear reader that our family give a big thumbs up to!


  1. My daughters love their styling heads,My eldest has got the Moxie one and my youngest has got the Dora one but they both love them. These are a great buy x

  2. I owned a Girls World and it was my favourite toy!

  3. You have to love these ladies! Thanks for stopping by.

    Mich x

  4. My girls have an ELC styling head too, which they've had for around 5 years now and it's still going strong! They also had a barbie one which had horrible hair that you couldn't get a brush through!


  5. I used to love my Girls World but then I went and cut the hair off - didn't everyone? She was a bit bald and useless after that!


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x