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Friday, 21 January 2011

Review of Exercise DVD: Debbie Rush's Bulge Buster Workout

Let me just cut to the chase straight away and say I liked this.  In fact I really liked it and I did not think I would.  I have no idea who Debbie Rush is as I do not watch Corrie but the pictures on the DVD were enough to get me interested.  Fat to fab....  that is always my aim!

I mean look at her now, that is beyond me, but good luck to her!  I had to laugh thought when I saw her starting weight was 10 stone something!  Mine was 17stone something!  If I ever get to 10 stone I will consider myself slim, fab and fit! Maybe she is a real shortie! lol

Let me tell you what I liked about the DVD:
  • The instructor is Andy Titterall, Professional Rugby star and personal trainer.  He really does appear to know his stuff and I expect if you like muscly men he is fab eye candy!
  • Andy is very motivational, he keeps reminding you about your breathing, posture and tells you that you are doing a great job!
  • The music is very addictive, it made me want to work out but luckily as it has no words I could not get sidetracked and sing along.
  • Much of the moves are quite repetitive and thus making it good for a big unfit fattie like me. The approach is definitely simple, sports science based training rather than dance your heart out. Whilst I like dance your heart out, this controlled approach is probably actually much better for beating my bingo wings!
  • There are 7 different training circuits so you can choose to target different areas on different days and just dip in and out if you are busy and pushed for time.
  • The workout selector, you can tailor your workout to suit you by choosing the warm up, up to 5 training programs and the cool down.
  • Debbie has a section in the extras where she shows you her progress with the weight loss and training,  She is actually very likable and human, despite looking like a goddess in the end!
  • Lastly, just in case you are already one of those fit types - there is an advanced techniques section in the extras.  I have to be honest I did not even look in here, but maybe with time...
The DVD is sold as being suitable for anyone; whatever your fitness level it will suit you and I have to say I think they are right, you could adjust your workout as your fitness level and stamina increased.

Unfortunately YouTube's embed code is not working at the moment, so pop over there and use this link to get a sneaky peek of what Debbie's DVD is all about.

This is a review post, I received the DVD free of charge to review but I actually have to return it, so there is definitely no conflict of interest here.  As per always I remain honest in my writing.

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