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Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Orchard Toys Review: Post The Most Family Game

Before Christmas I was lucky enough to win a super game from Orchard Toys, Post The Most.  I am not obliged to review this as it was a prize, but as you know I adore Orchard Toys and it is such a lovely game so it would be a shame not to share with you dear readers.

The game is aimed at children age 5 upwards, they state 5-12 years but my husband and I have played it with JJ a few times and we both enjoyed it too!  As always the actual quality of the game is fantastic, the cardboard is really thick and sturdy and the little stand up buildings are hardy and colourful. I also like the fact that Orchard Toys boxes are just that bit more durable than other game or puzzle boxes.

It did not take us long to get the hang of this game and it took us about 45 minutes in all to play it.  JJ loved posting the little letters in the buildings, whilst dh enjoyed the strategy of deciding which route to take. I just had fun and on our first play I was the winner! yay

The game is fun as you have to deliver letters, special delivery letters and parcels to the different houses around the island and as each different type of delivery has its own set of rules this makes for a fun and interesting game. Just what Orchard Toys do best - education in the guise of fun.
This game costs £15.50 from the Orchard Toys website and I would say it is worth every penny. It is another lovely family game that I know my girls will enjoy too when they are older.


  1. Following you through FMBT. Hoping you stop by and follow me back.

  2. Hi Following from the blog hop I'd love a follow back :)


  3. Hi,

    Thanks for following me. Im following back from Tuesday blog hop.

  4. Hello all,

    Will come over and visit you when I wake up in a few hours! Must go to bed...

    Mich x


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x