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Monday, 23 April 2012

JJ Loves Heinz Moshi Monsters

Small tins of Heinz pasta shapes are pretty much a staple in our house, often when the kids come home from school and they have had their school dinner, they will want something warm but light for tea and a tin of Heinz pasta shapes with a slice of wholemeal toast is a nice easy solution when I walk in from work.  I like the fact that the tinned pasta in thick tomato sauce offers my kids one of their five-a-day and what I really like is that JJ and Miss E just love them. 
It is one of Miss E's pet loves when we go shopping, choosing which characters will feature on her tinned pasta for that week - will it be Dora or Hello Kitty?

They drew straws who would try this pasta and JJ was the winner! He really enjoyed his Heinz Moshi Monsters pasta and even more so he enjoyed the secret code on the pack of the packaging which allowed him to go onto Moshi Monsters online and catch Moshling characters.

The 205g tins retail for 49p and are available at all good supermarkets.

Disclaimer:  I was sent a tin of pasta and a small Moshi Monsters toy as a gift, I was under no obligation to write about the Heinz pasta.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    How do you use the secrect codes on the moshimonsters website?



Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x