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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Cleaning Reviews - Ecover Zero and BizzyBee

I've shared before on quite a few occasions that by most peoples standards I am a bit sad, I really quite like cleaning and I love the satisfaction of taking a really dirty or messy room and giving it a thorough make-over. So it has been no hardship for me to recently try out some household cleaning products.  I'll give you a quick low-down on what I have tried and how I feel about it -

Laundry Detergent and Fabric Conditioner
I tried out three products from the Ecover Zero brand - washing-up liquid, laundry detergent and fabric conditioner.  These products have all been approved by Allergy UK and are dermatologically tested meaning they are suitable for use by those with allergies and sensitive skin.  My little Miss E can suffer from eczema at times so there is always a little concern when I use new products but I can happily report she did not have any problems at all.

Ecover ZERO uses only gentle plant-based and mineral ingredients, no phosphates and is fragrance free and that was fine, but to be honest I like my fabric conditioner to give a nice smell as well as soften.  I have no grumbles with the laundry detergent and fabric conditioner, they both worked as well as the leading brands (and at only 30 degrees) that I normally buy and I was exceptionally surprised when I looked in Tesco to find they were both cheaper than brands like Ariel and Persil. I had wrongly assumed that an eco brand that was suitable for those with allergies would be more expensive.

Washing up Liquid
The washing up liquid was probably the biggest surprise to me. We do not really use washing up liquid much as everything goes in the dishwasher but in August we headed off on holiday for 9 days and with 7 of us in the house and no dishwasher we got to use this product a lot. But I have to say that a little goes a long way, we hardly dented the bottle in this time and originally I had intended to just leave the rest at the holiday house but having used it and realising it is very good, it has come home with me ready for the large pans that do have to get washed up. It gives a really good foam from just a small amount and that bubbles last along with the power to cut through the grease and grime.

You can buy the products in your local supermarket or online.

Over the summer I have slowly decorated our bathroom and in terms of painting this is an easy job as there is only a ceiling and woodwork but this means my whole bath room is tiled and it is not the smallest of bathrooms with both a double shower and bath area. Sadly our extractor fan had been broken for a year or so, a while back and this led to some of the grouting going a bit mouldy and looking very unsightly. Yes because I am sad, this upset me and I set about sorting it all out. Luckily the British cleaning brand BizzyBee sent me through some products to use.

Shall I tell you what my hero was when I was cleaning all those tiles and the grout?  It was the BizzyBee scourers.  I had to laugh as when I looked in my cleaning box I already owned some, must of been the pretty iridescent colour that attracted me.  These non-scratch scourers were phenomenal, I loved used them, so easy but really effective and I was even able to take the grout cleaner I had bought back to the shop.  Yes, you need elbow grease but it pays off, just look at this corner.  When I had last grouted a few years back I had got grout all over some edging and whilst at the time you could not see it, over the years it has discoloured and looks unsightly. The picture on the left shows before and on the right is after.  All I used was warm water and the BizzyBee scourer and when they only cost £1.32 for two you can't go wrong.

I also tried out some gloves from the range and I am not a rubber glove person.  When I saw they had sent me a medium size, I just sighed knowing that I have big hands but actually they were ample and fitted well.  My favourite feature has to be the colour and the comfy inside.  They were a joy to wear.

Disclosure: These products were sent to me free of charge for the purposes of this review.  I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

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