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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

New on the Nintendo Wii U - Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush

This last weekend my girls had some serious fun crafting with dough making Kirby and friends figures. Miss E was adamant that Kirby needed a whole bedroom of furniture so he could be comfortable.  Just look at them in action -

My girls are very much into using their imaginations and free styling but if your child wants to create a Kirby and fancies some instruction then why don't you check out how to make your own dough and this great instructional video -

The girls were making Kirby figures to celebrate the upcoming launch on 8th May of the new Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush game for the Wii U. In this latest adventure, the evil Claycia has drained Dream Land of all its colour and your task is to help Kirby and his Waddle Dee friends bring their homeland back to its bright and beautiful best.

You can find out more information and see a sneaky preview of the game over on the Nintendo website here.

Disclosure: We were sent a box of craft goodies as we are Nintendo Ambassadors this year. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.

1 comment:

  1. Wii U does have a growing library of exclusives that you won't find anywhere else. All of the company's biggest icons are here: Mario Kart, Super Mario, Zelda, and now Super Smash Bros are all represented. The software's been improved. And it's all extremely kid-friendly. I really love playing games on the Wii U. You might too.
    Wii U | 3DS


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x