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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Review of the Skirtle from Skeanie

I bet some of you read that title and thought 'the what'?  What is a skirtle then?  I know I certainly did when I got offered one to review.

Here is what they say -
SKIRTLE [Skir-tl] noun. A garment hanging from the waist with a snug stretchable garment covering the legs from the waist down.
SKIRT [skurt] noun. A garment hanging from the waist.
TIGHTS [tights] noun. A snug stretchable garment which is not only fashionable but extremely practical.

What do I say?
It is basically a pair of trendy footless tights/ leggings with a stretchy ra-ra style skirt attached over the top. You can currently purchase it in brown, navy and pink.  There are both spot and stripe designs to choose from.

It is made from 80% cotton, 18% nylon and 2% elastine. There is really good stretch and the fabric feels nice and a very good quality. 

The RRP is £19.99 and the skirtle is available to suit little girls aged 1 - 5 years, although I would say the size is quite generous as Miss M normally wears age 6 clothes and she was quite happy in the 4-5 years size. You can buy the Skirtle directly from Skeanie, who are new to the UK having established themselves as a leading footwear brand for children in Australia. They do some stunning little shoes, sadly both my girls feet were too big!

The Plus Points
  • Both my twinnies tell me it was super comfortable to wear all day
  • Looks really stylish
  • Easy for the girls to dress themselves in and sometimes they struggle with tights
  • Machine washable and does not need to be ironed
Areas for consideration
  • The price is quite steep at £19.99
  • Being tight material, there was some slight piling after a couple of washes
  • I did have to pull the girls skirts down a couple of times as they had ridden up but they are ultra active girls, so it could just be them!

Overall opinion - Lovely item of clothing that my girls are really happy with and seem to want to wear most days when they are not at school!
3.5/ 5

Trying to look cute!
Showing how stretchy the Skirtle is.

Disclaimer:  This is a  review post. We received 2 Skirtles free of charge for the purpose of this review.  I was not instructed what to write and I remain honest.


  1. A good honest review, I like that! I like the idea of the skirtle and your girls look super cool in them. I love the tops that are wearing too :-)

  2. Only way to review is to be honest I feel. The tops are cute aren't they - good old Next! Mich x

  3. I love Next, buy most of my boys clothes there. Unfortunately having boys means I don't get to look at the girls clothes! Angela x


Thanks for your comment, I will respond real soon. Mich x