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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Warner Brothers have managed the Impossible...

...they got my kids to all, yes all and at the same time be quiet for a good hour or so....  and yes, I absolutely loved it!  Thank you so much to Warner Brothers who sent us a boxed set of Looney Tunes DVD's to enjoy for the half term and beyond. 

Here is JJ and Miss M taking a first peek, see that look on Miss M's face - 'ohh look JJ there is Taz, I love Taz!'

The Looney Tunes Big Faces box set is currently available for sale on Amazon at the price of £22.49  and I have to say I think this is a total bargain for 10 quality DVD's. In total there is over 800 minutes play time and with a U certificate it is suitable for all to watch.  My 4 year old twin girls and 8 year old son have gone back to this set time and time again and when they have had friends over in the last two weeks it is always the first thing they get out and show them. 

Everyone seems to have their own favourite - Miss M loves Taz, Miss E likes Tweetie Pie & Sylvester, Daddy likes classic Tom and Jerry, I am rather partial to Speedy Gonzales and JJ's favourite is Daffy Duck. 

The set is really well presented, with a large characters face on the front of each DVD, I would be most happy to buy this for a child as a gift.

The 10 DVD's included in the set are - Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Road Runner, Speedy Gonzales, Taz, Tom and Jerry (Jerry), Tom and Jerry (Jerry), Tweety Pie and Wile E. Coyote.

I expect most people remember the Looney Tunes cartoons from when they were a child but if you don't, then let me tell you that you are seriously missing out. Looney Tunes are classics, the humour is slapstick and involves lots of chases, near misses and even complete hits but luckily the characters always manage to get up and walk away again to live another amazing tale.

If you are a lover of Looney Tunes then do take a look at the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes page as they have some superb material there - games for the kids, character colouring pages, wallpaper for your computer and loads more.

Disclosure: This is a review post, the box set was provided by Warner Brothers free of charge.  The opinions expressed here are my own and I remain honest.  Many thanks to Warner Brothers.


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