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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Review: Teen Beach Movie Soundtrack on CD

I posted late last week about the new Disney made-for-TV movie Teen Beach Movie, which premiered on Friday evening and I have to admit that my 6 year old twin girls and I all loved it. Sadly we did not have any way to record it or I just know we would have been watching the film again and again.

It was just as I expected - full of cheesy tunes and pretty, shiny clean characters. One of the reasons I like Disney so much is that the films and TV programs they run are wholesome and not full of bad attitude and poor language like so many things aimed at kids nowadays.

We were sent the soundtrack to review and we played this all week prior to the movie being aired. The music makes you feel summery, happy and ready to party on the beach. It reminds me of 1950/60's tunes with a modern twist.

There are 12 songs plus 3 bonus tracks on the CD, they are -

1. Oxygen
2. Surf crazy  (Miss E's favourite)
3. Cruisin' for a bruisin' (Miss M's favourite)
4. Falling for Ya
5. Meant to be  (My favourite)
6. Like me
7. Meant to be (Reprise 1)
8. Can't stop singing
9. Meant to be (Reprise 2)
10. Surf's up
11. Coolest Cats in Town
12. Surf Crazy Finale

Bonus tracks:
13. Cruisin' for a bruisin' (Instrumental Version)
14. Falling for Ya (Instrumental Version)
15. Surf's up (Instrumental Version)

I'll tell you what - clear up time got a whole lot easier when we cranked the tunes up loud and we all sang and partied our way through tidy up time. I have heard the songs coming from the girls bedroom on a number of occasions so far and I caught them with hairbrush in hand this morning introducing one another as the new stars of the show! I just love their make believe and this CD is helping with that - perfect!

Have a listen to a couple of tracks yourself and see what you think -

You can purchase the tunes on iTunes or I see the CD is available on Amazon (with a free download too) for just £9.00.

Disclosure: We received this CD free of charge for the purpose of this review.

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